Scoala Gimnaziala Girceni
Garceni, Vaslui

Proiecte educaţionale

Clasa a II-a , a III-a și grupa mare de la Școala Gimnazială nr.1 Gârceni derulează proiectul e-Twinning “100 de jocuri ale copilăriei

The "100 games of childhood" is aimed at children aged 4-14 years in European schools. Activities are designed so that children grow both in socially and mentally qualities: solidarity, democracy, justice, tolerance, appreciation, respect, creativity, imagination, collaboration and networking. The project is divided into eight themes that synthesize eight major categories of games encountered in teaching practice: role play, imagination, speech and vocabulary development, with rules, research, manual expression of specific areas construction and project partners . The project is conducted in partners schools. Results will be posted in each activity area e-Twinning project website and blog.

  • Subjects: Art, Cross Curricular, Design and Technology, Drama, Geography, Health Studies, History, History of Culture, Informatics / ICT, Language and Literature, Music, Physical Education, Pre-school Subjects, Primary School Subjects, Technology
  • Languages: EN - ES - RO
  • Pupil's age: 3 - 14
  • Tools to be used: e-mail, Forum, MP3, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Project Diary, Twinspace, Video conference, Web publishing
  • Aims:
    Satisfying curiosity for childhood games at the expense of video games; Participation in group activities and games both as participant... read more
  • Work process:
    This partnership aims to build links between partners indirectly through presentations, videos, contests, games area. Activities are organized locally on... read more
  • Expected results: Web-site; Project magazine; Project Poster; Videos of activities; Materials (boards, power-point, models, collages)