Scoala Gimnaziala Armasesti
Armasesti, Valcea








Adresa:     Comuna Cernisoara, jud . Valcea

Tel.:           0250 868 711



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Scoala Armasesti

Scoala Cernisoara

Scoala Gimnaziala Cernisoara

Scoala Gimnaziala Madulari


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Scoala Gimnaziala  Roesti - Cueni





Cernisoara, Cernisoara

Am sa-ti fac apa cerneala,

Sa ti-o pui in calimara,

Sa scriu la parinti la tara.”

Cantec popular


Cernișoară, Cernișoară,

I’ll change your water into ink,

For you to keep it in the bottle ink,

To write to my parents, back home

Popular chant

Scoala Gimnaziala Armasesti - Modoia, Com . Cernisoara jud.Valcea este o scoala cu veche traditie in istoria invatamantului romanesc, cu rezultate deosebite obtinute  atat de cadrele didactice ale scolii, cat si de elevii sai.


The elementary and middle School of Armășești – Modoia, from Cernișoara, Vâlcea County, is one engulfed in rich Romanian educational tradition, offering great result from both the teachers and the scholars

Asezata la interferenta unor drumuri stravechi-in partea sudica Valea Cernei, iar in cea nordica Sleaul Horezului, strajuita de codrii seculari ai Cotosmanului, Cernisoara cunoaste o puternica dezvoltare de-a lungul intregii sale istorii.

Having its foundation set at the cross path of some very old roads, with Valea Cernei at the south, Șleaul Horezului at the North and being watched over by the centennial woods of Cotoșmanu, Cernișoara has experienced a powerful evolution along its history.

Marturiile documentare ce se pierd in negurile antichitatii, glasuiesc despre existenta oamenilor pe aceste meleaguri stravechi, despre preocuparile lor, mestesugurile practicate, despre talentul si maiestria cu care au reusit sa infrumuseteze si sa innobileze traditiile locale.


Documentary evidence that has found its way through the haze of immemorial times, now speak of the life people used to live on these archaic lands, about their object of work, about the talent and the craftsmanship used to enrich and emblazon the local traditions.

Satele de pe Cernisoara sunt vechi, mentionate in hrisoave si marturii documentare domnesti( sec. XV – sec, XVI ). La 23 august 1486, Vlad Calugarul, domnitorul Tarii Romanesti, intareste stapanirea lui Slav cu fii sai asupra Obarsiei, “ ca sa le fie Ubarsia”. Alte atestari documentare: 1552- Madulari,  1722- Modoia,               1835 - Armasesti. Satele asezate de-a lungul vaii Cernisoara: Armasesti, Modoia, Grosi, Cernisoara, Madulari, Obarsia.

The villages of Cernișoara reach way back in time, being mentioned in both charters and documentary testimonials belonging to several lords of the land(XV – XVI). For instance, at the time mark of 23 August 1486, Vlad Călugărul, lord of the Romanian Country, fortifies the settlement of Slav and his sons, over the “Obârșia”. Other historical confirmations could also be the ones from Mădulari - 1552, Modoia – 1722 and Armășești – 1835. Along the valley of Cernișoara have found their place the following villages: Armășești, Modoia, Groși, Cernișoara, Mădulari, Obârșia.


Frumusetea zonei a fost remarcata si de scriitorul Al. Vlahuta, care a poposit pe aceste locuri: “... de la gura Cernisoarei in sus intre Oltet si Olt este o livada incantatoare, cu vai strabatute de ape limpezi, cu pajisti infloritoare pe sub poalele codrilor”.

The remarkable beauty of the area has also been spotted by the writer Alexandru Vlăhuță, having once lodged on those lands. This can be found in his writing: “[…] from the outfall of the Cernișoara river, and up between Olteț and Olt, there is a beautiful meadow, with valleys being raced by pure waters and blossoming grazing at the foothill of the forests. “.



Primele scoli iau fiinta pe Valea Cernisoarei in perioada 1838- 1842:


Between 1838 and 1842, the first schools are to appear on the Valley of the Cernișoara river. (Armășești – 1838, Grosi – 1838, Mădulari – 1842)

Armasesti – 1838, Grosi – 1838, Madulari 1842.   Primul dascal din scoala Armasesti a fost Paun Balasescu , fiu de preot din Armasesti.

The first pedant to teach in Armășești School  was Păun Bălănescu, the son of the priest

De-a lungul timpului s-au remarcat prin activitatea lor si au dat stralucite aparte catedrei un numar mare de dascali. Reamintim o parte dintre acestia:


Over the time, there have been many teachers, remarked for their work, that have also given a specific shine to the chair. Here are a few of them:

Scoala Armasesti:   Victor Smedescu, Gh. Negricea, Valeriu Coman, Aneta Cracana, Ion Gaman, Lucia Gaman.

Armășești School: Victor Smedescu, Gh. Negricea, Valeriu Coman, Aneta Crăcană, Ion Gaman, Lucia Gaman.

Scoala Modoia : Nicolae Popa, Nicolae Dumitrescu, Virgil Gaman, Cicerone Giuran, Olimpia Tanase.

Modoia School: Nicolae Popa, Nicolae Dumitrescu, Virgil Garman, Cicerone Giuran, Olimpia Tănase.



Vatra Cernisoarei a daruit tarii, nume stralucite, nume cu rezonanta istorica:


Cernișoara has offered the country glowing names, set in history:

-Gheorghe Dinca – scriitor  n. 30 august 1798


-Gheorghe Dincă: writer, born on 30 August 1789


-Badea Constantin –scriitor  n. 18 ianuarie 1818


-Badea Constantin: writer, born 18 on 18 January 1818

-Prof. univ. Dr. Ion Smedescu – rectorul Universitatii Romano- Americane, care a primit distinctiile “ Omul anului 2001” si “ Medalia de Onoare Americana”

-Professor Ion Smedescu – rector of the Romanian – American University, offered the “Man of the 2001 Year” and the “American Medal of Honor” awards.

-Elisaveta Nita Novac – scriitoare


-Elisaveta Nita Novac – writer

-Corina Victoria Calugaru Sein – scriitoare


-Corina Victoria Calugaru Sein – writer

-Aurel Cinca – instructor dansuri populare


-Aurel Cinca: Folk dance coach


-Gh, Popescu – interpret muzica populara


-Gheorghe Popescu: Folk music singer

-Gheorghe Nicolae Dican – pictor


-Gheorghe Nicolae Dican: painter

-Victor Postelnicu – sculptor


-Victor Postelnicu – sculptor

-Dumitru Smaranda – Cercetator stiintific in chimie


-Dumitru Smaranda: Scientific researcher in Chemistry

Se cuvine sa multumim doamnei Mihaela Dican – Contabil la Primaria Cernisoara, care a facut totul ca localul scoli Armasesti – Modoia sa ofere cele mai bune conditii copiilor de pe acest pamant stravechi cu ape stralucitoare si codrii seculari – Cernisoara.

Many  thanks to Mihaela Dican, accounted at the Cernișoara town hall, for her great efforts in making sure that the School of Armășești – Modoia has nothing but the best to offer to children scattered across this ancient land, crossed with clear rivers and secular forests, the land of Cernișoara.





Marinoiu, Costea – “Cernisoara” Ed. Offsetcolor,  Rm. Valcea 2005






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