Scoala Gimnaziala "Viceamiral Murgescu" Valu lui Traian
Valu lui Traian, Constanta

Proiecte educaţionale

2005 -2006

Spring Day

Proiectul de Granturi scoala-comunitate :

"Valurile lui Traian -mit si realitate"-coordonator de proiect : prof.Petrosan Daniela


Spring Day

Proiectul de Granturi pentru Dezvoltare Scolara:

"Valul lui Traian-sat traditional-sat european"-coordonator de proiect : prof.Petrosan Daniela


Spring Day

Proiect E- "Soul"s window"-coordonator de proiect : prof.Petrosan Daniela

Proiect E-twinning "To be citizen in a european city"- coordonator de proiect : prof.Petrosan Daniela


Spring Day

Proiect E-twinning "Eoropean Dreams"-coordonator de proiect : prof.Petrosan Daniela

Proiect E-twinning "e Twinning test project"-coordonator de proiect : prof.Petrosan Daniela

Proiect E-twinning "Little Eoropeans, big Europe"-coordonator de proiect : prof.Petrosan Daniela

Proiect E-twinning "Thinking about spring"-coordonator de proiect : prof.Petrosan Daniela

Proiect E-twinning "W geography !"-coordonator de proiect : prof.Petrosan Daniela

Programul educational si Concursul national "Scoli pentru un viitor verde",Editia I,2010

Activitatea nr.1 "Romania si energia alternativa"-februarie 2010

Activitatea nr.2 "Deseuri si viitorul planetei"-martie 2010

Activitatea nr.3 "Ziua Pamantului"-22 aprilie 2010 tn


Multilateral Comenius Project „Learning English Through Drama, Songs and Game Activities”

Coordonator de proiect : prof.Petrosan Daniela

The project „Learning English Through Drama, Songs and Game Activities”  in our school and joint activities with schools in partner countries help promote national values, as well as improving communication kills in English through drama, songs and game activities, also helped developping social skills and the motivation for learning in general.

A great number of teachers and students from 3rd grade to 8th grade was involved in this project.

Through workshop activities which took place in our school, but also through activities during mobilities we became friends with partners and our students became more communicative and kind.


Proiect Erasmus + " Throug old letter to new frienship"

Coordonator de proiect : prof.Petrosan Daniela


Osnovna skola Manus-Split –Croatia

Karsiyaka Ortaokulu-İzmir-Turcia

Agrupamento de Escolas Gil Eanes-Lagos, Portugalia

Gimnazjum nr 3 w Grodzisku Mazowieckim -Grodzisk Mazowiecki-Polonia .















Cooperarea si comunicarea

Cooperation and communication between all project partners took place after a clear plan from the beginning of the project. methods / tools and periods.

To provide the communication Three places are determined.


*E-mail (only by teachers)

*E-twinning platform(only by teachers)

*Facebook group(by students and teachers)


Video conferences were arrenged. The dates were:


1st conference: 9th December

2nd conference:19th-23rd  January

3rd conference:19th-20th March

4thconference:20th April

5th conference :16th -17th June. TRANSNATIONAL PROJECT MEETINGS

Short-term joint staff training events-Lagos, Portugal -13th – 19th November 2014

1. The meeting had as  objectives: establishing the calendar of activities for the school year 2014-2015, the communication between partners, establishing measures for efficient management, determining the data for these transnational meetings, ways of evaluation and dissemination

2.The transnational meetings of the project in Romania had organizational purpose, monitoring project progress after the first year of implementation, analysis and self-assessment.Also there were established the mobility dates, activities, evaluation and dissemination for the 2015-2016 school year.


The transnational meeting project in Croatia was aimed at analyzing the activities and results obtained by each partner, the end result was thePedagogical manual, dissemination of results on mobility tool and preparation of the final report.


1. Place and period  : 3rd- 9th May 2015, SPLIT, CROATIA

Content activity

Detailed description of the workshops and their distribution in time

Monday,4th May

10.30                          Unveiling of the stone slab in the glagolitic script

11.00                          Visiting classes and getting to know our school

16.00                          The live theatre at school-Diocletian welcomes you

17.00                          Study visit-Diocletian’s Palace

Tuesday,5th May

8.00-10.00                  Sports games (younger pupils)

10.30-12.00                Sports games (older pupils)

17.00                          City bus tour-panoramic sightseeing of Split


Day 4 (Wednesday, 6th May)

9.00-11.00                  Salona sightseeing(including treasure hunt)

11.30-12.30                Art workshop

13.00-15.00                Time for fun  (games/ funny activities in  Solin)

18.00   -Project meeting / Choosing the project logo

Day 5 (Thursday,7th May)

Our city patron saint’s day-St Duje’s Day

Day 6 (Friday, 8th May)

9.00-12.00                  Art workshops for pupils and teachers

17.00                          Cultural evening with a special programme

  1. Izmir-Turcia 7th December,2015-11th December

NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: “Dancing of the colour on water:EBRU” cultural workshop.

ACTIVITY DATE: 7th December,2015

PLACE: Karsıyaka Secondary School


- To learn making EBRU

-To provide form of relationship by doing same thing at the same time.

- To learn someting from different culture

- To understand and cooperate eachother

-Try to express their feelings by drawings

, 08th December

A history lesson was taken in a non-traditional environment. Partners and their hosts went on the educational tour in the ancient city of Ephesus- Sirince and Virgin Mary House. A lot of old signs and writings could be seen on this tour and the participants debated on this topic.The students and the teachers were given the task to photograph examples of historical buildings and old letters. Students who attended the activity filled an assessment questionnaire of the activity.

NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: “Ancient cultural heritage and example of old letters”

ACTIVITY DATE:8th December,2015

PLACE: Lessons in non-traditional environments:Educational tour (Ephesus-Şirince-Virgin Mary House)


- To realise Life in history

- become more tolerant to history

-Provide  a self-realization

-To realise what letters they used in actient times

NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: “Ottoman letters” cultural workshop.


PLACE: Karsıyaka Secondary School


- To learn writing with Ottoman Letters

-To provide form of relationship by doing same thing at the same time.

- To learn someting from different culture

- To understand and cooperate eachother

NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: “Drawing children in ethnic costume chain”

ACTIVITY DATE:9th December,2015

PLACE: Karsıyaka Secondary School


- To draw folk costume

-To provide form of relationship by doing same thing at the same time.

- To learn someting from different culture

- To understand and cooperate eachother

-Try to make example of own your culture  by drawings

NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: “Decorations with all old letters”

ACTIVITY DATE:9th December,2015

PLACE: Karsıyaka Secondary School


- To learn writing with Old Letters

-To provide form of relationship by doing same thing at the same time.

- To learn someting from different culture

- To understand and cooperate eachother

NAME OF THE ACTIVITY: “What are differences and similarities of your city (city life ) and İzmir?

ACTIVITY DATE:10th December,2015


-Make observation of a city and city life from different culture

-To provide awareness  of the differences and similarities between cities and city lives

-To realise common points and values

-To make connection and bridge between differences and similarities

3. The programme of the short-term students exchange in Grodzisk Maz, Poland 23-27 May 2016

Monday 23 May

Ode to Joy recording

Past and Present of Letters - art workshop

Grodzisk for Beginners – a city game in groups

Tuesday 24 May

8.30 – 9.15 visiting the Mayor in the Town Council

9.30 – 10.45 The classical play The Maiden Vows with a task for students about the old letters,  sport and dance performances (in the Grodzisk cinema)

11.30 – 16.30 a visit to the headquarters of worldwide famous Polish National Dance Group Mazowsze, learning Polish national dances, lunch (trip by train, about 20 minutes ride)

Wednesday 25 May

5 – 22  Old Letters in Kraków (a trip to Cracow by coach)

Thursday 26 May Corpus Christi – bank holiday and religious festival

10 – 15.30  a trip to Żelazowa Wola - the birthplace of Frederic Chopin,

16-17 project meeting at school

17-18 Workshop on students with special needs

Friday 27 May – bank holiday

9 – 15.30 Hightlights of Warsaw –


Participants impact assessment was carried out both directly through the application questionnaire and indirectly through dedicated questions in questionnaires filled in by coordinator and Focus group discussions.Approximately 150 people are indirect beneficiaries: 75 students from secondary schools and 50 primary students, 30 parents, 20 teachers, 20 people from the local community.

The effects of the project on students are:

- school results and pupils'  behavior improved (rezultate școlare si comportamentale ale elevilor îmbunățățite )

-greater understanding and responsibility towards the social, linguistic and cultural diversity

-better mastery of foreign languages and raising awareness about the importance of foreign language skills

-intensive application of methods and tools of the digital learning through different areas of teaching, extracurricular activities and field instruction

-increase awareness of European identity by increasing collaboration and socializing with students from other European countries

-further development of the courtesy behavior in dealing with people and when visiting historical and cultural sites, as well as the sense of preserving the cultural and historical heritage

-participation in project activities will have an impact on increasing organizational competencies, as well as the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

-communication with various organizations (tourist board, museums, city government), will affect the active participation in society

-increased motivation for learning and research through a more interesting and more contemporary educational program

Project impact on participating teachers

-increased professional-development and professional prestige, professional creativity and self-esteem developed

-improving professional profiles related skills (teaching, training.)

-increasing professional development opportunities;

- Increased motivation and satisfaction in daily activity

The impact of the project in the school organization

formation of attractive educational program that is more interesting and closer to students of a new era, where the processing of educational contents and themes is based on ICT technology and, where possible, international cooperation

-more open, more modern and more dynamic environment within organizations which:

-motivates and encourages the exchange and application of the best practice in the educational program as well as cooperation

with organizations active in various fields

-encourages professional development and specialization of the staff in accordance with individual needs and organizational goals

-encouraging cooperation with partners from other countries and other sectors in international projects

-better familiarization with the preparation, implementation and monitoring of EU and the international projects

Develop the partnership by involving different institutions and organizations: CCD, CSI, Faculty of Arts, TUI Travel Agency, Turkish Cultural Center, Constanta

-A Better internal management and ownership / delegation of responsibilities

- quality services offered by the school (improved quality management system, better school organization;

atractive¸interactive lessons; a school policy regarding the implementation of digital learning, developed and  piloted in schools

- Openness to cultures, values and practices in Europe


Proiect de mobilitate în domeniul educației școlare, Actiunea K - Titlul proiectului ”How tobecome better?”

Număr de referință:2017-1-RO01 –KA101-035821-coordonator prof.Petroșan Daniela

Proiectul de parteneriat strategic - acțiunea cheie 2 -Titlul proiectului  ”For open future school”-Număr de referință 2017-1-RO01-KA219-037255_1-coordonator prof.Petroșan Daniela

Proiectul de parteneriat strategic , acțiunea cheie 2 -Titlul proiectului  ”History and Society in the virtual dimension”-Număr de referință:  2017-1-BG01-KA219-036328_4-coordonator prof.Petroșan Daniela

2019-2022 - Erasmus+ Exchange of Good Practices-”Art in virtual dimension”  -oordonator prof.Petroșan Daniela

2019-2022 - Erasmus+ Exchange of Good Practices-”Mer en vue”  -oordonator prof.Petroșan Daniela

2020 -2023 -Erasmus+ Exchange of Good Practices-”Break down the barriers” ”  -oordonator prof.Petroșan Daniela

2020-2027 -Acreditare Erasmus+

2021-2022- Proiect număr 2021-1-RO01-KA121-SCH000004842

Prezentarea generală a cursului” The 4Cs: Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication and Collaboration in Schools” - Amsterdam 

Perioada de desfășurare a cursului 18.07.2022 - 23.07.2022

Locația Școala Molinos de Viento, Europass Amsterdam

Participanti : 3 cadre didactice

                                 Proiect de Acreditare Erasmus+ -2022-2023, Nr de Referinta 2022-1-RO01-KA121-SCH-000055388

Proiectul Erasmus+ "Friendship through art" implementat pe durata anului școlar 2022-2023, este un parteneriat cu două școli europene Su ”Sava Dobroplodni, Shumen, Bulgaria, Scoala Gimnazială ”Viceamiral Ioan Murgescu”,Valu lui Traian, România și Direcția Provincială de Educație Națională Tokat, Turcia .Grupul țintă al proiectului este alcătuit 15 elevi , cu vârste 13-14 ani și 4 profesori însoțitori .În perioada 27.03-31.03.2023  s-a desfășurat schimbul de elevi pe termen scurt la Su ”Sava Dobroplodni, Shumen, Bulgaria .Au participat 9 elevi si 2 cadre didactice insotitoare. În perioada 27.03-31.03.2023s-a desfășurat schimbul de elevi pe termen scurt la Direcția Provincială de Educație Națională Tokat, Turcia .Școala noastră a fost reprezentată de șase elevi și doi profesori însoțitoriAl doilea an de Acreditare Eramus+ a fost dedicat formării cadrelor didactice. Astfel, 3 cadre didactice au participat la cursul ”The 4Cs: Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking and Creativity”, organizat de Europass Teacher Academy, Praga,în perioada 03-08 iulie 2023. Alături de profesorii școlii noastre au fost cadre didactice din Spania, Portugalia, Italia şi Polonia.